1. Acheteur
Nom officiel: Health Service Executive (HSE)
Forme juridique de l’acheteur: Organisme de droit public, contrôlé par une autorité publique centrale
2. Procédure
Titre: Design and Delivery of in-person training on conducting functional assessments of capacity under the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015
Description: The National Office for Human Rights and Equality Policy are inviting applications from suitably qualified organisations to submit a tender proposal demonstrating their suitability to co-ordinate and support access to and delivery of an in-person training course on conducting functional assessments of capacity. Service providers are requested to only submit a tender if they are confident that they have both the level of capacity and suitably qualified and specialist expertise within their organisation to deliver the required service. The HSE requires that the successful tenderer will source and include Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), who have demonstrable experience in the undertaking of functional capacity assessments, in the designing and delivery of this training programme. In the event that the 12 month extension option is utilised, the sum payable shall be for the delivery of the courses, for avoidance of doubt, no development costs or other payments will be paid whatsoever. The budget for the training is €250,000 euros including VAT. Tenderers must be aware that VAT will not be paid separately on this project. Tenderers must also be aware that the overall budget must be inclusive of room hire and catering for training events. The overall budget must include travel and subsistence as this will not be paid separately. Any tenderers who's total cost exceeds €250,000 including VAT will exceed the budget available and will not be evaluated.
Identifiant de la procédure: 53a23c54-d273-4641-92bb-ec2bfc7d3564
Avis précédent: c64780fb-0368-4230-baee-84138a47ae3a-01
Type de procédure: Ouverte
Lieu d’exécution
N’importe où dans l’Espace économique européen
Valeur estimée hors TVA: 250 000,00 EUR
Informations générales
Base juridique:
Directive 2014/24/UE
5. Lot
Lot: LOT-0001
Titre: Design and Delivery of in-person training on conducting functional assessments of capacity under the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015
Description: The National Office for Human Rights and Equality Policy are inviting applications from suitably qualified organisations to submit a tender proposal demonstrating their suitability to co-ordinate and support access to and delivery of an in-person training course on conducting functional assessments of capacity. Service providers are requested to only submit a tender if they are confident that they have both the level of capacity and suitably qualified and specialist expertise within their organisation to deliver the required service. The HSE requires that the successful tenderer will source and include Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), who have demonstrable experience in the undertaking of functional capacity assessments, in the designing and delivery of this training programme. In the event that the 12 month extension option is utilised, the sum payable shall be for the delivery of the courses, for avoidance of doubt, no development costs or other payments will be paid whatsoever. The budget for the training is €250,000 euros including VAT. Tenderers must be aware that VAT will not be paid separately on this project. Tenderers must also be aware that the overall budget must be inclusive of room hire and catering for training events. The overall budget must include travel and subsistence as this will not be paid separately. Any tenderers who's total cost exceeds €250,000 including VAT will exceed the budget available and will not be evaluated.
Identifiant interne: 0
Nature du marché: Services
Nomenclature principale (cpv): 80420000 Services d'enseignement par voie électronique
Nomenclature supplémentaire (cpv): 80500000 Services de formation, 80510000 Services de formation spécialisée
Lieu d’exécution
N’importe où dans l’Espace économique européen
Valeur estimée hors TVA: 250 000,00 EUR
Marché public stratégique
Objectif du marché public stratégique: Pas de passation de marché stratégique
Accord-cadre: Pas d’accord-cadre
Informations sur le système d’acquisition dynamique: Pas de système d’acquisition dynamique
Enchère électronique: non
Informations complémentaires, médiation et réexamen
Organisation chargée des procédures de recours: The High Court of Ireland
Organisation qui fournit un accès hors ligne aux documents de marché: Health Service Executive (HSE)
TED eSender: European Dynamics S.A.
6. Résultats
Valeur de tous les contrats attribués dans cet avis: 250 000,00 EUR
Valeur approximative des accords-cadres: 250 000,00 EUR
Résultat – Identifiants des lots: LOT-0001
Statut sélection lauréat: Au moins un lauréat a été choisi.
Informations sur les lauréats
Nom officiel: Aileen Colley Consultancy
Identifiant de l’offre: 000064935
Identifiant du lot ou groupe de lots: LOT-0001
Informations relatives au marché:
Identifiant du marché: 410756
Date à laquelle le lauréat a été choisi: 28/08/2024
Date de conclusion du marché: 28/08/2024
8. Organisations
Nom officiel: Health Service Executive (HSE)
Numéro d’enregistrement: 673042
Adresse postale: Oak House, Millennium Park Naas Co. Kildare
Ville: Kildare
Code postal: RE
Pays: Irlande
Point de contact: Patrick Monahan
Téléphone: 01 5119700
Rôles de cette organisation:
Organisation qui fournit un accès hors ligne aux documents de marché
Nom officiel: Aileen Colley Consultancy
Numéro d’enregistrement: 673042
Adresse postale: Padua, Dublin Road, Kilkenny R95 HXC1
Ville: Kilkenny/Nationwide
Pays: Irlande
Téléphone: 085 174 6374
Rôles de cette organisation:
Lauréat de ces lots: LOT-0001
Nom officiel: The High Court of Ireland
Numéro d’enregistrement: The High Court of Ireland
Département: The High Court of Ireland
Adresse postale: Four Courts, Inns Quay, Dublin 7
Ville: Dublin
Code postal: D07 WDX8
Pays: Irlande
Téléphone: +353 1 8886000
Rôles de cette organisation:
Organisation chargée des procédures de recours
Nom officiel: European Dynamics S.A.
Numéro d’enregistrement: 002024901000
Département: European Dynamics S.A.
Ville: Athens
Pays: Grèce
Téléphone: +30 2108094500
Rôles de cette organisation:
TED eSender
11. Informations relatives à l’avis
Informations relatives à l’avis
Identifiant/version de l’avis: 458b71cd-9fd2-4f29-94c1-8099e4a5b694 - 01
Type de formulaire: Résultats
Type d’avis: Avis d’attribution de marché ou de concession – régime assoupli
Sous-type d’avis: 33
Date d’envoi de l’avis: 27/09/2024 13:21:15 (UTC+1)
Langues dans lesquelles l’avis en question est officiellement disponible: anglais
Informations relatives à la publication
Numéro de publication de l’avis: 586317-2024
Numéro de publication au JO S: 190/2024
Date de publication: 30/09/2024